Dugong Technology

Timers for Sporting Shooters

Dugong Technology

Timers for Sporting Shooters


Customising wristMT PRO


Customise the built-in time settings to suit your personal preferences. Create one, two or as many alerts as you like, at the intervals you prefer.


wristMT PRO supports 10 personal time sequences that can be customised to your own shooting and non shooting needs. Want an Egg timer? You can create one with wristMT. Define the display text, the display subtext and the time or time sequence you want to use.


WristMT PRO is more than a basic timer. It has a built-in engine that lets you create complex time sequences. You can use this feature to help with training, practice repeating drills, or for any other purpose you want.


Users can include modifiers in custom time sequences to override system settings such as Plus Mode and Count Direction.

The basics

The Settings Menu

wristMT custom times are configured from the application settings menu.

The Settings Menu is accessed using Garmin Connect IQ on a mobile or tablet device and through Garmin Express on a desktop. Read here for how to access settings on your Garmin device. 

Basic Time Sequences

The screen captures above show a sample of the default time sequences included in wristMT PRO. At the most basic, a time sequences consists of a single number such as the 8 shown in the WA48 8 Sec Series.

This simply means start the timer with 8 seconds on the clock.

A more complex example is shown for the 165 Sec Series. The time sequence here is:

The first value is the initial timer value. In this example, the timer will start with 165 seconds on the clock.

The remaining values are all separated from each other by a decimal point. These are known as alert times. wristMT PRO will vibrate and play a sound (if enabled) at each of these times to alert the user to the timers progress. Alerts are typically used to notify the shooter that they should be changing their shooting position or to the imminent end of the time sequence.  (Aerts were known as Position Change Reminders and Timer Expiry alerts in previous versions of wristMT)

NOTE: Time sequences are always written from the perspective of counting down from the start time to zero. wristMT PRO will make the necessary adjustments to ensure that alerts occur at the correct number of seconds after starting regardless of the count direction. Example: a time sequence of 10.3 would countdown from 10 to 0 and generate an alert at 3 seconds remaining (or 7 seconds after the timer started). In count up mode the same time sequence will count from 0 to 10 and generate an alert at 7 seconds.


Negative Time Values

Negative time values are used to represent non shooting time periods such as the 60 second load time in ISSF events or more typically the 7 second period when targets are turned away before match firing commences. Negative time sequences are displayed in an alternate colour but the time is always displayed to the user as a positive value.

Example: -7 means use the alternate colour but load the timer with a value of (+) 7 seconds. 

A more complex example using negative times sequences is the ISSF Standard Pistol 10 second series with Load which uses the following sequence: #-60:-7:10 

This sequence is decoded as 60 seconds (for load), 7 seconds (for targets turned), and 10 seconds for match firing. The 60 second and 7 second countdowns will be displayed in the alternate colour. (The use of the # and : characters are explained below)

NOTE: Time Slice functionality is disabled for negative times.

Complex Time Sequences

Multiple times can be combined into a time sequence by separating each time with a colon (:). The timer will process each time in the time sequence by loading the timer with the first value, counting down to 0, then automatically reloading the timer with the next value in the sequence and so on. 

The time sequence for ISSF 25m Centrefire/Sport match uses 9 times in the sequence for the Rapid Fire stage. In this stage, the targets face the shooter for 3 seconds before turning away for 7. This is repeated 5 times. The time sequence for this match is:- 3:-7:3:-7:3:-7:3:-7:3


Alerts & Time Sequences

Time sequences also support alerts as described in the section on Basic Time Sequences. Alerts can be added to any or all of the times in a time sequence. 

Example: #-60.10:-7: which could be used for ISSF Standard Pistol – 150 second series. This sequence initially loads the timer with 60 seconds which is the time available to load. An alert is made with 10 seconds of load time remaining. The timer then restarts with 7 seconds which is the time the targets turn away before recommencing with a match firing duration of 150 seconds. The shooter is required to shoot 5 shots in 150 seconds so in this example and alert is made at intervals of 30 seconds to signify that a shot should have been made with a final alert at 3 seconds to announce that time is almost up.


Overriding Default Behaviour

Ignoring PlusMode: PlusMode is a great feature of wristMT but there are times when the global PlusMode setting should be ignored. Starting a sequence with the # character tells wristMT PRO to ignore the PlusMode setting and begin the timer immediately. This feature is used in the ISSF with Load sequences to ensure the time sequences begins with the 60 second load time. e.g: #-60:-7:20  

Note: The # character is only valid when used as the first character in a time sequence.


Force Count Up: The default count mode for wristMT PRO is to count down from the timer initial value to zero. Users can change the default behavior to count up if preferred. This is a global setting and affects all times displayed to users. 

The ^ character can be used as part of a time sequence to force a count up regardless of the system wide Count Direction setting.

Example: The Default GP Timer uses a time sequence of #^9999 to count up from 0 to a maximum of 9999 seconds. 

The ^ character can be used on any timer value in a time sequence. e.g:  10:^7.3:5:^3 would count from 10 to 0, restart and count from 0 to 7 with an alert at 4 seconds (i.e 7-3), restart and count from 5 to 0, and restart and count up from 0 to 3.

Note: Alert times are always calculated based on count down mode. The example above of 7.3 means countdown from 7 and generate an alert with 3 seconds remaining – ie 4 seconds have passed. With a time sequence of ^7.3,  the same logic applies. Generate an alert with 3 seconds remaining which occurs when the timer reaches 4 in count up mode.

Need a break ?

The zero character (0) inserts a pause into the time sequence.The timer will stop and wait for the user to push the start button before continuing to the next time in the sequence. 

This may be useful where matches are run to “local conditions” and adherence to strict timing does not always occur. The following example shows a potential use for the pause in the ISSF Standard Pistol 20 second series with load.

Example: #-60:0:-7:20 

In this example, the timer pauses after the 60 second load period and will not continue to the 7 second target away timer until the user pushes the start button.